Book a Call / Zoom Demo

Zoom meeting with client

Interested in Learning More About our Applications?

Or perhaps you have a few questions and would like to chat with someone?

You’re in the right place.

We recommend a…

Consultation Phone Call (15 minutes): If you are new to texting and are looking to have some questions answered or to determine the viability of this text messaging for your business or organization.

Click here to book a 15 minute phone call.

Zoom Software Demo (30 minutes): If you are familiar with texting and are interested in having a look at our either business texting platform CONNECTsms (compares to ZipWhip or Text Magic) or our mass / bulk  texting platform, BROADCASTsms.

Click here to book a Zoom software demo.

If you’re not ready for a call or a demo and would prefer to send an email, click here.